Krista Da Silva is Hitting all the Right Notes for a Canadian Soprano

StudioTPM helped Krista de Silva strike the perfect pitch with her professional brand and build a website as dramatic as her beautiful voice.

The Brand

Krista de Silva is a renowned Canadian opera singer who has taken the stage in diverse soprano and mezzo-soprano roles around the world, including the title role in Opéra de Montréal’s production of Carmen.

On stage, Krista’s vivacious personality is clearly portrayed; online, not so much. As the February 2020 video screening of Carmen in twenty-six multidisciplinary venues across Quebec drew closer, Krista decided to do something about that. In her mind, she envisioned the perfect website—classic, elegant, and completely representative of her talents. Taking matters into her own hands, she turned to Squarespace to build her own site. How hard could it be? Quite difficult, as it turns out. With the video screening looming, Krista realized she needed professional help to craft a website that would do justice to her story—that’s when she found StudioTPM.

“Following the discovery process, StudioTPM came back with a wireframe content framework that summed me up perfectly. They really got inside my head and told my story in a far more eloquent way than I could have myself.”

StudioTPM was incredible to work with. I honestly couldn’t have dreamed of a website that better represented my personality and my journey as an artist. I am so proud to show it off and have received so many compliments from my peers across the industry.”
Krista de Silva

Finding Krista’s Digital Voice

StudioTPM held a discovery session with Krista to uncover her story, hone in on her personality, and help craft her professional brand. “Crafting a story about yourself and your profession should be easy, right? It’s actually a lot harder than it sounds. StudioTPM took the pain out of the process with their comprehensive, easy-to-follow messaging framework,” said Krista.

Pinpointing the vision, business goals, and ambitions of a client is the easy part. Crafting a compelling story for their audience is the trickier process. “Following the discovery process, StudioTPM came back with a wireframe content framework that summed me up perfectly. They really got inside my head and told my story in a far more eloquent way than I could have myself,” said Krista.

The entire process for content creation, brand development, and web design took just XX weeks. Krista’s beautiful website was launched to the world in plenty of time for the video screening of Carmen.

The website is elegant yet charismatic, commanding yet personable—it perfectly sums up Krista as an individual through storytelling, photography, design, and bold color palettes. It showcases the powerful roles she played while also highlighting her softer, more vulnerable side so she’s perfectly positioned for a diverse range of roles in the future.

“StudioTPM was incredible to work with. I honestly couldn’t have dreamed of a website that better represented my personality and my journey as an artist. I am so proud to show it off and have received so many compliments from my peers across the industry” said Krista.


  • Content Creation and Storytelling
  • Brand Development
  • Website Design and Development (Squarespace)


A professional website not only helps elevate an artist’s personal and professional brand, it also tells the world that you’re serious about your craft—that you’re an asset to any production! However, building a website for a specific personality can be particularly challenging as there is a large emotional investment. Our team understands the delicate balance between personal and professional and can help clients tell their unique stories to the world. Whether you’re a new business or an existing business that needs a little reinvigoration, we can help you convey your business strengths and market positioning—and help you align them with wider business goals. Let us help you tell a story that draws your audience into your world.

How Can We Help?

No matter how large or small your organization — or your idea — TPM is here to help bring your concepts to life. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.
Call now on 1.855.646.8662