
How fabric Prepared 8 Product Launches in 4 Months with TPM

fabric, a fast-growing eCommerce start-up, provides composable API-driven technology for digital commerce to revolutionize the way eCommerce is built, managed, and experienced.

Testament to the value of fabric’s innovations, the company secured almost $300 million in venture capital rounds between February 2021 and February 2022 and began a relentless pursuit to deliver an array of innovative products to its target market. However, alongside the influx of capital and ambitious product launches, fabric faced immense pressure to rapidly scale its marketing efforts to not only keep pace but also to maximize the potential of each product launch opportunity.

The fabric team reached out to TPM to help it build its product marketing muscle and accelerate its growth trajectory.

fabric inc
"Thank you for helping us stand up a Product Marketing function. We could have never gotten to this point without you and your team. TPM is a talented team, and I greatly appreciated all the positive “can-do” attitudes throughout all the projects. We created some strong content with the team, and it was a pleasure to get to know everyone."

What We Did and How We Did It

The TPM team acted as an extension of fabric’s stellar marketing team, providing product marketing and sales enablement support and filling in resource gaps in other areas as required.

We developed product marketing messaging strategies for eight products over a four-month timeframe and helped build tactics to effectively communicate the benefits of each new launch to its existing and prospective clients. Together, TPM and fabric built creative campaigns and targeted messaging to elevate fabric’s brand and capitalize on the opportunities in the then-hot eCommerce space.

TPM's fabric-specific framework

Product Marketing

Using TPM’s XYZABC methodology, the team quickly built a comprehensive fabric-specific framework that helped us create content on an expedited schedule to meet fabric’s fast-paced product launches. Over a four-month period, we completed our research and worked with product managers and fabric’s marketing team to create eight of these messaging frameworks for product launches including:

fabric B2B Commerce Platform
fabric B2B
Commerce Platform
fabric XM
fabric XM
(Experience Manager)
fabric Offers
fabric Offers
fabric PIM
fabric PIM
(Product Information Manager)
fabric Pay
fabric Pay
fabric B2B Commerce Platform
fabric Members
fabric Subscriptions
fabric Subscriptions
fabric B2C Commerce Platform
fabric B2C
Commerce Platform
fabric Product Marketing

The frameworks included detailed insights on ideal customer profiles, buyer personas, core differentiators, product positioning messaging, value propositions, features and benefits descriptions, competitive analysis, and creative hooks for launch campaigns.

fabric Product Marketing
"As we launched our suite of solutions, we set our standards high for our messaging and positioning frameworks. In TPM, we found a partner that was instrumental with our two major product launches. TPM took our product messaging frameworks from zero to 100%.

They are a highly experienced team that brings industry knowledge and expertise and demonstrated our company values of earning stakeholder trust, saying it like it is, and insisting on the highest standards."

Sales Enablement

TPM created a robust sales enablement content strategy to empower fabric’s sales team to close deals more effectively and efficiently.

Recognizing the importance of aligning sales efforts with marketing objectives, TPM’s strategy focused on developing a comprehensive sales playbook, complete with customer-facing pitch slides and internal-only content. The playbook was designed to equip the sales team with crucial information and insights, enabling them to engage with prospects and customers confidently. The sales enablement content included the following key components:


A clear and concise positioning statement that defines fabric’s unique value proposition in the market and differentiates the company from its competitors.

Ideal Customer
Ideal Customer

A detailed profile of the ideal customer, including demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics, to help the sales team target the right audience.

Customers by Industry
Customers by Industry

A breakdown of fabric’s customer base segmented by industry, allowing the sales team to tailor their approach and messaging to resonate with specific verticals.

Understanding Your Buyer
Understanding Your Buyer

In-depth information on the needs, pain points, and decision-making processes of fabric’s target buyers, to enable the sales team to empathize and engage effectively.

Key Value Drivers
Key Value Drivers

A comprehensive list of the primary benefits and value propositions offered by fabric’s products, ensuring that the sales team can articulate the most relevant advantages to potential customers.

Pricing & Packaging
Pricing & Packaging

A clear and transparent overview of fabric’s pricing structure and product packages, allowing the sales team to confidently discuss pricing options with prospects.

Competitive Landscape
Competitive Landscape

An analysis of the competitive landscape, highlighting fabric’s strengths and weaknesses compared to its rivals, as well as guidance on how to position the company against competitors during sales conversations.

Partnerships & Alliances
Partnerships & Alliances

Information about fabric’s strategic partnerships and alliances, illustrating how these relationships can enhance the value of Fabric’s offerings and create additional selling opportunities.

"The fabric sales team had to ramp quickly after we closed our Series A raise. TPM provided us with the extra muscle we needed to deliver timely sales enablement. Together, we worked on strategic deliverables including sales presentations, customer stories, competitive battlecards, and other assets and tools. With TPM’s help, we were able to hit the ground running, connecting with prospects and quickly building the business."
B2B E-Commerce eBook
B2B E-Commerce eBook
Social Images
fabric Social Images
Sales Playbook
fabric Sales Playbook


In just four months, our engagement with fabric transformed their marketing approach, positioning them for remarkable success in the eCommerce space. Following our collaboration, fabric went on to secure $140 million in a Series C funding round in February 2022, achieving a staggering $1.5 billion valuation. This significant milestone demonstrated the effectiveness of the comprehensive marketing services provided by TPM, as well as the potential of fabric’s innovative product offerings.

fabric case study
fabric case study

Today, fabric continues to move at an extraordinary pace, executing its go-to-market strategy with precision and making substantial gains in market share across its key target audiences. The company’s impressive growth can be attributed to the strategic alignment of marketing, product development, and sales efforts, which were made possible through the tailored marketing services delivered by our team.

At TPM, we take great pride in contributing to fabric’s success and are eager to see what the future holds for this dynamic eCommerce brand.

How Can We Help?

No matter how large or small your organization — or your idea — TPM is here to help bring your concepts to life. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.
Call now on 1.855.646.8662