TPM is a Preferred Intelisys Business Partner
Intelisys holds companies it works with to some of the industry’s highest standards, which explains why it has only a few preferred strategic business partners. TPM is proud to be among the chosen few.
Getting to Know TPM
TPM is a full-service digital and strategic marketing agency. We’re singularly focused on helping cloud, hosting, and channel companies connect with their buyers.
Like most Intelisys partners, we’re all about relationship-building. We advise, plan, and create campaigns that align your marketing and sales efforts to drive the growth of your company.
We work in partnership with Intelisys, helping them with their marketing strategy and messaging. We’ve also built, developed, and maintained multiple websites for them, including the Intelisys website as well as the Intelisys Cloud Services University.
During our partnership with Intelisys, we’ve developed a deep understanding of the Intelisys market and the challenges their partners and suppliers face — knowledge that gives us the background to become your strategic business partner and drive your sales growth.
Services for You

Lead generation

Inbound Hubspot marketing

Channel marketing

Strategy, messaging, and positioning

SEO, SEM, and social media

PPC Advertising and Remarketing

Web design, development, and maintenance
The cloud, hosting, and IT service space is crowded — very crowded.
Don’t waste time talking to marketing agencies that simply “don’t get you.”
We understand the challenges you face:

And we can help you overcome them. TPM has built its business around all Intelisys partners’ goals — making connections the right customers.
Sample Packages
We Build Relationships
You know how you want your customers to relate to you. You want them to see you as a trusted advisor that can help them grow their business. And, that’s how TPM works with you.
We sit down with you and chat. Together, we’ll analyze your business, discuss your requirements, and map a strategy. We become an advisor you trust, the people you work with in building your brand and your business.
TPM does its best work when you, as an Intelisys partner, and we work together regularly to help align your marketing sales teams to generate demand, drive traffic and build brand awareness. We help you build trusted advisor relationships with your customers and prospects.
This means we listen to you, understand your needs, create campaigns to meet those needs, and build a relationship with you that helps you build your relationships with your customers.
In short, we operate the same way you do with your customers. We’re not transactional; you’re not a sale — we’re your partner helping you to achieve your business goals.
Case Study Vignettes

Cloud Services University
In one of our proudest accomplishments to date, TPM was instrumental in designing and developing the most comprehensive Sales Partner-focused Cloud university in North America today.
We spent hours with the Intelisys team examining usability, copy, messaging, colors, image placement to remove all friction from the site.
We improved performance in the backend, maintained all the integrations, and updated for security and malware weekly (sometimes even daily). One could say we worked indirectly with all Intelisys sales partners, helping them drive cloud sales across enterprises around the world.
Crystal Technologies needed help transitioning to the Cloud. It was caught in its old ways and needed to get into a new market, which included rebranding, repositioning, and a refresh of its messaging.
TPM sat down with Crystal Technologies and mapped out a game plan, that included:
- Content marketing strategies
- Buyer understanding
- A brand new site to promote its new cloud presence and convert visitors
- Rebranded company
- Pivoted business to the cloud
- Initiated an ongoing digital marketing strategy

Sometimes its best to let clients say it themselves. Here’s what Brian Leonard, Director of Marketing, had to say about our contribution to the PPC/Remarketing campaign:
TPM developed UnitedLayer’s digital presence from the ground up. This included a new site built on Drupal CMS, HubSpot marketing and nurturing, video testimonials, and a content marketing strategy that ultimately generated a 37% increase in traffic and 14% increase in leads over a 9 month period*.
TPM built a deep Cloud resource library and developed a 12-class Cloud academy for partners.
*Note: TPM no longer provides services to UnitedLayer
Why Intelisys Partners Want to Work with TPM
As an Intelisys sales partner, you understand the value and reputation Intelisys has worked to build.
They trust TPM for all their marketing needs. You can too.